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E-Book: Master The Match

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4.8/5 star reviews

Here's what you get:

  • This book tells you exactly what you need to include and exclude from your personal statement

  • Outlines a step-by-step writing strategy

  • Provides examples of phrases and wording you can use in your own statement

  • Helps convey your unique story and strengths in a format residency programs LOVE

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"Very helpful!"

"Anyone applying to medical residencies should give this a read before starting""

- Pearl (Verified Purchase)

You’re a busy medical student...

You don’t have time to wade through hundreds of pages about personal statement writing, nor do you find navigating through writing workbooks to be an efficient use of your time. Master the Match! condenses everything you need to know about the personal statement into a short, concise eBook that walks you through a strategy that works.

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